Where to go

AMAC (Auckland Medical Aid Centre)

Auckland Medical Aid Centre (AMAC) AMAC is an independent not-for-profit clinic that provides Medical Abortions, Surgical Abortions and Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC).

Auckland patients eligible to funded healthcare can access free abortion care at AMAC funded through your DHB.

If you are not eligible to funded healthcare or from outside of Auckland you will need to pay for abortion care at AMAC.

The First Step

You can access AMAC directly yourself by contacting the clinic for an appointment on 09 6386040 or at their website www.amac.org.nz or through a referral from your own healthcare practitioner.

If you have self-referred, AMAC will organise essential laboratory tests and check your health. This appointment can be done via phone or face to face. 

Once you have completed the laboratory tests you can contact the clinic to make an appointment to have an ultrasound, discuss your options and situation. If you are less than 14 weeks pregnant and very sure of your decision the abortion can proceed the same day.


All DHB funded women requesting abortion at AMAC are offered pre and/or post abortion counselling as part of the process. Additional fees may apply to non-eligible or out of town women.


Medical Abortion at AMAC

Medical abortion is available to all women up to 9 weeks of pregnancy. The process normally takes one visit. You will miscarry the pregnancy at home with telephone support from the clinic. If you are DHB funded you can have free LARC devices some on the day and up to 6 weeks after your abortion.

Surgical Abortion at AMAC

The procedure is done by vacuum aspiration under local anaesthetic with sedation (sedated not asleep) < 14 weeks of pregnancy. A surgical abortion takes one visit at AMAC. If you are DHB funded you can also have free LARC devices, some on the day and up to 6 weeks after your abortion.


Apply to non-Auckland residents and those ineligible for funded care. For up-to-date abortion & contraception fees please visit AMAC website: www.amac.org.nz


Routine check-ups are not generally required, however if you have any problems or concerns AMAC encourage you to contact them for assistance on 09 6386040.